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Maps: Power, Plunder, & Possession

Maps Power, Plunder and Possession

Maps: Power, Plunder & Possession

Dates: 2010

Country of Origin: United Kingdom

Presenter: Jerry Brotton

Time: Approx 60 minutes

Web Site: IMDb

The BBC documentary Maps: Power, Plunder & Possession is a riveting exploration. It delves into the profound impact maps have had on human history, politics, and power dynamics. Presented by Professor Jerry Brotton, this series examines the evolution of cartography not merely as a scientific or artistic effort. It shows cartography as a potent tool for control, colonization, and cultural domination.

The documentary’s core argument—that maps are rarely neutral—is compellingly illustrated through examples spanning centuries. Maps have evolved over time. Medieval T-O maps reflected religious worldviews. Meticulous nautical charts were created by empires vying for global dominance. Brotton demonstrates how maps have historically been tailored to serve the ambitions of their creators. For instance, European imperial powers used cartography to assert ownership over foreign lands. They often erased indigenous perspectives. They reshaped geography to align with their exploitative agendas.

What makes Maps: Power, Plunder & Possession stand out is its ability to connect historical cartographic practices with contemporary issues. The program delves into modern satellite imagery and digital mapping, raising ethical questions about surveillance and privacy. The documentary highlights modern concerns and historical practices. It illustrates that maps stay tools of power in the digital age.

Visually, the series is a treat. The high-quality visuals bring historical maps to life, with Brotton’s insightful commentary adding depth to each example. Historical anecdotes and expert interviews are seamlessly integrated. This enhances the documentary’s intellectual rigor. It also maintains accessibility for a general audience.

Maps Professor Jerry Brotton
Professor Jerry Brotton

While the documentary is rich in content, its scope can feel broad, leaving certain topics underexplored. Still, this breadth is a testament to the vast influence of cartography on global history.

Maps: Power, Plunder & Possession offers an engaging exploration. It is thought-provoking, showcasing how maps have shaped humanity’s ambitions. Maps show struggles for power. It is a must-watch for history enthusiasts, geographers, and anyone intrigued by the hidden power of maps.

Series 1

May 2-3, 2010

S01-E01 Windows on the World

S01-E02 Spirit of the Age

S01-E03 Mapping the World